An investigation in a selected area of physiology. The project involves experimental design, data collection and analysis, submission of written reports, and oral presentations. Students attend seminars/tutorials on related topics.
More information about Research Projects in Physiology can be found on the Biomedical and Molecular Sciences website.
2025 - 2026 supervisors in PHGY 499:
Dr. Amer Johri has accepted one PHGY 499 student for 2025-2026.
Dr. Alan Lomax and Dr. David Reed have accepted one PHGY 499 student for 2025-2026.
Dr. Mark Ormiston has accepted one PHGY 499 project student for 2025-2026.
Dr. Shetuan Zhang has accepted two PHGY 499 students for 2025-2026.
2024 - 2025 supervisors in PHGY 499:
Dr. Nicolle Domnik has accepted four PHGY 499 students for 2024-2025. Dr. Domnik is not accepting additional 499 project students at this time. She will be one of the faculty members supervising a group-based DISC 599 research project in the Queen’s Discovery Lab. If you are interested in being considered for a group-based research project, please complete THIS INTAKE FORM. (*please note that groups and supervisors will be randomly assigned based on student declared area of research interest, with total positions based on number of interested applicants vs number of total projects offered)
Dr. Paula James is not accepting PHGY 499 students for 2024-2025.
Dr. Alan Lomax is not accepting any PHGY 499 students for 2024-2025.
Dr. Mark Ormiston has accepted three PHGY 499 project students for 2024-2025.