A research project involving the study of human disease processes. The project will be supervised by a Faculty member in the Department and will provide opportunities for experimental design, data analysis and both written and oral presentation of results.
More information about Research Projects in Pathology can be found on the Pathology and Molecular Medicine website.
2024 - 2025 supervisors in PATH 499:
Dr. Kimberley Dunham-Snary has accepted a PATH 499 project student for 2024-2025.
Dr. Yanping Gong is accepting one PATH 499 project student for 2024-2025.
Dr. Yun Hung has accepted two PATH 499 project students for 2024-2025. Dr. Hung's research project will focus on the accuracy of glucose meters.
Dr. Xiaolong Yang has accepted one PATH 499 project student and will not be accepting additional project students for 2024-2025.
2023 - 2024 supervisors in PATH 499:
Dr. Susan Crocker is accepting two PATH 499 project students for 2023-2024.
Dr. Jeannie Callum is accepting one PATH 499 project student for 2023-2024.
Dr. Kimberley Dunham-Snary and Dr. Charles Hindmarch have accepted one PATH 499 project student for 2023-2024.
Dr. Peter Greer is accepting two PATH 499 project students for 2023-2024.
Dr. Charles Hindmarch has acceped two PATH 499 project students for 2023-2024.
Dr. Paula James and Dr. Mackenzie Bowman have accepted one PATH 499 project student for 2023-2024.
Dr. David Lillicrap has accepted two PATH 499 project students for 2023-2024.
Dr. Anna Panchenko and Dr. Maria Aristizabal have accepted on PATH 499 project student for 2023-204.
Dr. Neil Renwick has accepted one PATH 499 project students for 2023-2024.