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CAME invites you to join them for their webinar sessions, designed to bring practical, evidence and experience based advice to Canadian health educators. The webinars are delivered by CAME using the Zoom platform, allowing full audio and visual communication and interaction between presenter and participants. The webinars offer an exciting opportunity to engage online with an expert and with colleagues in a live discussion on a key topic in medical education.
Nicole N. Woods, PhD is Director of The Institute for Education Research (TIER) at University Health Network and Education Scientist at The Wilson Centre, University of Toronto. Dr. Woods leads an internationally recognized research program uses methods and principles from cognitive psychology to advance medical education theory and practice. Her research has significant implications for education across the developmental continuum and for a variety of health disciplines. A Fellow of the Karolinska Institute Prize for Medical Education Research since 2019, Dr. Woods is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at University of Toronto. In 2020, Dr. Woods was recognized as one of the Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women by WXN.
Dr. Maria Mylopoulos holds her PhD in human development and education. She is currently Scientist and Associate Director of the Wilson Centre for Research in Education, Associate Professor in the Department of Paediatrics and Curriculum Scientist in MD Education at the University of Toronto. Over the last 15 years she has successfully led a program of research aimed at understanding the development and performance of adaptive expertise in medicine, with a particular focus on identifying the ways in which expert clinicians move beyond application of their past knowledge when appropriate to address the needs of patients as well as the limits and opportunities of their own contexts. In her work, Maria uses a range of methodologies and theoretical frameworks from cognitive psychology, clinical reasoning, and the learning sciences to evolve understanding of the knowledge, capabilities and learning experiences that underpin adaptive expertise. The ultimate goal of her research is to translate this understanding to educational design that promotes the development of expert clinicians who are able to handle the complexities and challenges of the healthcare workplace.
Overview: The Covid-19 pandemic created an urgent need for virtual care across the country. However, formal training in virtual care has not traditionally been included in the formal curricula across the continuum of Canadian medical education. During this session, Drs. Woods and Mylopoulos will describe the development of an education program that combines education science and theories of expertise to support physicians to provide care virtually in the context of primary care.
***Please note there will be two presentations***
Delivery 1: 12:00pm - 1:00pm ET
Delivery 2: 3:00pm - 4:00pm ET
Zoom link will be sent the morning of March 29, 2022
At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Describe the knowledge and capabilities necessary for adaptive expertise in virtual care.
- Explain best practices in education, including curriculum, assessment and evaluation that can be used to support the readiness and capacity of physicians to provide virtual care.
- Construct learning experiences that support the development of expertise in virtual care.