My name is Maryam Zadeh, an incoming third-year medical student at Queen’s University. Over my last two years in medical school, I have worked extensively with the Educational Scholarship team on various research projects.
When I started on a new project as a first-year medical student, I had limited experience in conducting qualitative research. However, I was eager to learn, and the team adequately extended their expertise and knowledge to me. They are very knowledgeable in their area of research and dedicated to the advancement of scientific research. The team’s expertise and passion for teaching have kept me motivated and committed to always strive for my best.
Throughout the last two years that I have been working with the Educational Scholarship team, the team always prioritized the needs of the students and assured that we have a great and safe working and learning environment. When I was faced with challenges, the team took the time to guide me through them and offered just the right amount of guidance for me to solve them. The team continuously encouraged me to think critically when faced with challenges and provided guidance to overcome obstacles and learn from my mistakes. They are always available to answer any questions and offer their help. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time working with the Educational Scholarship team and am looking forward to further collaboration in the future.
Maryam Zadeh
Incoming 3rd-Year Queen’s Medical Student