Jennifer Carpenter MD, FRCPC, MSc, CCFP
Dr. Jennifer Carpenter received her FRCPC in Emergency Medicine from Queen’s University, and then went on to complete specialized training in chronic pain management. She was the Director of Student Affairs for Undergraduate Medicine from 2003 to 2013 and was the Faculty of Health Sciences Director of Global Health from 2010 to 2019. More recently, Dr. Carpenter developed and is the Lead for the Global and Population Health Track of the BHSc program.
Dr. Carpenter designed and is actively involved in the Undergraduate Medicine Population and Global Health course. She is also the Advocate Lead for the MD curriculum. She led the MD Mentorship Program and has taught Clinical Skills, Interview Skills, and the Physician Wellness curriculum in the past.
At the International Level, Dr. Carpenter spent time in the Ivory Coast volunteering and completing research on HIV Education as a medical student, and co-founded and is actively involved in the Pamoja Tunaweza Women’s Center and Clinic, in Moshi, Tanzania. Her academic interests are Advocacy and Global/Population Health.