Exchange Program
As a Biochemistry student, you have the option to go on exchange in third year for either the fall semester, winter semester or both. Queen's has agreements with over 100 universities in more than 30 countries, in which Queen's exchanges students with its partner universities.
Taking courses abroad
Sciences: must be assessed by Queen's professors to count towards your core/option credits. It is the student's responsibility to provide a full course syllabus to out office outlining the following:
Electives: do not have to be assessed for equivalents, will simply transfer back as electives counting towards total unit count only.
How do I apply?
Email or the following information:
The Life Sciences and Biochemistry Program office will send you what courses have been previously assessed and their equivalency. This is a good starting point for determining if your approved exchange school has compatible courses that will work for your plan requirements.
The IPO has information on possible elective courses that have been approved for Queen’s equivalency, listed by country and partner exchange university on their website
If there are other science courses that you are hoping to take on exchange, it is the student’s responsibility to provide a full electronic course outline (please do not just send a link) to our office for review. This information will be added to our data base and will assist other students planning on going on exchange (this year or in future). This should include:
Confirm to our office by email all the courses that you plan to take on exchange with your understanding of how they will transfer back.
Upon Return
Only if there are issues and concerns about your fourth year courses after your exchange, please come in and meet with the office staff in the Life Sciences and Biochemistry Program Office.