The PhD in Health Quality (PhDHQ) will prepare experts who will improve the delivery of healthcare through teaching, developing new methodologies and theoretical frameworks, as well as testing innovation in the field of health quality. The PhDHQ program offers a collaborative approach to comprehend and address the complexities within the healthcare system. Graduates of the program will be prepared to take senior leadership roles in health quality portfolios in practice and policy settings across Canada and will also be educated to assume tenure track positions in university programs. While the degree is research intensive, it will also be grounded in pragmatism and will help prepare independent researchers for quality improvement research and developing leadership capabilities in health settings.
The PhDHQ program is a four-year, interdisciplinary program using a combination of synchronous and asynchronous study as well as interactive online videoconferencing. The PhDHQ program consists of five (5) courses in year one, including an internship over the summer months. The internship will be tailored to the learners’ interests and to broadening their perspectives on health quality. In the fall term of year two, students complete the comprehensive exam. In the winter and summer terms of year two (2) students will focus on the development of their thesis proposal and complete HQRS 905 Current Topics in Health Quality. After a successful oral examination of the thesis proposal, students submit their project for ethics review and then proceed to data collection, analysis, and writing. The thesis requires independent, original research and makes up at least two-thirds of the time normally required for the program. Upper year students are expected to visit campus at least once per year; students are required to attend the final thesis examination in person. Nurtured by close mentoring relationships with faculty supervisors, the Queen’s model is to ensure graduate students present and publish their research, and normally complete their program in 4 years.
Convenient distance learning
Build on your academic education and enhance your career with advanced knowledge and skills
Spend time with a cohort of peers during your two (2) one-week intensive courses at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Experience collaborative team-based learning with faculty and students
Complete a culminating thesis on a subject of your choice
Network with students, alumni and leaders in this emerging field