Queen’s medical student Peter Feige has been named a 2022 recipient of the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame (CMHF) Award for Medical Students.
The CMHF celebrates Canadian heroes whose work advances health in Canada and the world. The CMHF Award for Medical Students recognizes second-year medical students who demonstrate qualities such as perseverance, collaboration, and entrepreneurial spirit and show outstanding potential as future leaders and innovators of health care in Canada. Recipients must have an established track record of community leadership, superior communication skills, and a demonstrated interest in advancing knowledge.
Feige’s interest in research and medicine began when his father, a physician, instructed him to “be a detective” whenever he had a problem — sparking a curiosity when it came to questions surrounding healthcare and wellbeing.
"My family always encouraged me to ask questions, and I think that kind of drove me into university and then doing my PhD,” Feige says. “Being able to ask the questions that people don't have answers to — and hopefully helping patients with those problems — is perhaps the most exciting thing about becoming a healthcare provider and researcher.”
Feige’s aspirations lie in internal medicine. His current research program focuses on muscle stem cells and how they are impacted in disease. For instance, in patients living with muscular dystrophy, he explores the ways their stem cells went wrong, and discerns methods by which clinicians can repair their muscle in a more efficient manner. In addition to studying skeletal muscle stem cells, he hopes to apply his molecular biology training in the field of cardiology.
As part of his CMHF Award honour, Feige receives a cash prize of $5,000 and a travel subsidy to attend the 2023 Canadian Medical Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in Halifax, where he will have the opportunity to interact with health leaders from across the country.
“It's an immense honour to be recognized by the Hall and welcomed by its members,” he says. “It also is incredibly affirming to be recognized from a non-traditional path. This award only redoubles my ambition to stay creative and ask the questions that need answering.”