On the recommendation of Interim Dean Stephen Vanner, Matthew Evans, Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic), has appointed Dr. Stephen Bagg as Interim Head, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) effective February 1, 2025, until June 30, 2026.
Dean Vanner extends his gratitude to Dr. Denyse Richardson, department head since 2022, for her dedicated leadership and commitment to fostering innovation in education.
Dr. Bagg is an accomplished clinician, educator, and leader with a long history of service to the department. He is an Associate Professor who led the PM & R department as head from 2008 until 2022. For 28 years, he served as medical director of the stroke rehabilitation service at the former St. Mary’s of the Lake Hospital (now Providence Care) and maintains a clinical practice in the stroke rehab, spasticity and electrodiagnosis clinics.
As interim head, Dr. Bagg will guide the department through this transitionary period while ensuring its continued growth and success. During his term, a review of the department will take place to determine the appointment of a successor.
Please join the dean in congratulating Dr. Bagg on his appointment.