What is a teaching dossier?
A teaching dossier is "a compilation of materials that collectively suggest the scope and quality of a professor's teaching performance." (Seldin, 2004, as quoted in Chescheir, 2005). An effective dossier contains approximately 6-10 pages, not including the Appendices. Canadian universities employ the term "dossier" rather than portfolio, as dossier is used both in English and French languages. Unlike a CV, a teaching dossier contains material related only to educational activities.
A teaching dossier:
- Demonstrates other aspects of your professional work that contribute to your teaching.
- Demonstrates your effectiveness as a teacher
- Contains evidence of your achievements, plans, and growth.
Why is a teaching dossier useful?
- To aid in promotion and tenure*
- To apply for bonuses, scholarships, or grants
- To document the quality and quantity of your professional development
- Assists in preparation for interviews and applications by highlighting experiences, etc.
- Provides an opportunity to reflect on your teaching
- Document evolving expertise in teaching and teaching methods
- Focus on future goals, based on evidence of success and setbacks
- To organize your experience and learning
- To be a resource and collection
What is the difference between a teaching dossier and a CV?
A teaching dossier represents material related only to teaching. Other accomplishments related to research or clinical work, unless these activities are educationally focused, should be included on a CV. Also, whereas a CV provides a list of accomplishments, a teaching dossier should provide the reader with an overview of your development as a teacher including planned areas for future development.
(Queen’s University resource on teaching dossier’s can be found here: https://www.queensu.ca/ctl/teaching-support/teaching-dossier)
* At Queen's University:
For Clinical Faculty going forward for Renewal/Reappointment/Tenure or Promotion
a teaching dossier is required:
- For faculty covered by Queen's University Faculty Association Agreement (QUFA) Article 29 .2 describes the need for a teaching dossier in relation to annual Performance Review, Renewal, Tenure, Continuing Appointment, Reappointment and Promotion.