I graduated medicine in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, trained in paediatrics in Schneider Children's Medical Centre of Israel, and completed a neonatal-perinatal medicine fellowship in the University of Toronto. I completed the VAQS fellowship training in Toronto and then Queen's MScHQ. I work in Sunnybrook's NICU on QI projects and measurements of interventions in neonatal medicine, focusing on the micropremature infants, and Co-chair the QI group of the Toronto Centre for Neonatal Medicine.
- Assistant professor, University of Toronto,
- PhD student, University of Toronto Institute of Medical Sciences.
Teaching/Clinical Practice
Extensive teaching in paediatrics, neonatology, neonatal resuscitation, management of sepsis, QI methodologies (mainly process control statistics), to students, residents and fellows. I enjoy teaching and mutual discussions very much.
Research Interests
- QI methods for reduction of IVH, NEC, ROP in premature infants
- Cost of care for and resource utilization by extremely premature infants