Currently accepting undergraduate, Masters, and PhD students
Dr. Mahar is an epidemiologist and health services researcher focused on using routinely collected health and social data to address inequitable healthcare access and delivery. Her primary research is conducted in the areas of cancer and mental health, focusing on cancer care disparities, cancer staging, personalized prognostication, and intersections between cancer and mental health/addiction. Dr. Mahar is funded by the Canadian Cancer Society as an Emerging Scholar for MEGAN-CAN, a five-year research program focused on measuring and generating evidence around the inequitable delivery of Canadian cancer care across the continuum. She also leads a program of research focused on the mental health and wellbeing of military Veterans and military-connected families and is a member of the Families Matter Research Group.
Research Affiliations:
Adjunct Scientist, ICES
Adjunct Scientist, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
- Routinely collected health and social data
- Health equity
- Cancer
- Mental health
- Families
- Military and veteran health
- Epidemiology methods
- Observational research designs
- Prognostication
- Development and validation of prediction models
- Measurement